E-commerce and retail PIM: our expertise

Why PIM is essential for distributors and retailers


Faced with an increasingly large product assortment, a need for quality data for every channel invested in, and growing competition, retailers need to streamline their processes and offer end-consumers a successful shopping experience. PIM (Product Information Management) is the ideal tool to meet all these challenges. As an expert in retail product management, Equadis PIM stands out as THE solution of choice, as it adapts to the specific needs and structure of each distributor, retailer and wholesaler!


Today, digitalization is affecting all sectors, and retail is no exception. Data has become the digital gold of distributors and retailers for several reasons:

  • consumers demand transparency, and want more information about the products they buy.
  • the advent of e-commerce, which raises the complexity of commercialization across a wider range of sales channels.


Digital transition is the natural response to maintain a competitive edge in the market. But to succeed, it is essential to have the right support.



Collect and centralize all your suppliers’ product data

Your suppliers often have a large product catalog, and the quantity and quality of their data varies according to their profile, digital maturity, business sector and geographical location.

With Equadis PIM, you can massively collect and centralize all your suppliers’ product data in a single platform. Acquiring comprehensive, high-quality data is the key to improving your teams’ operational efficiency and delivering an optimal client experience. As a result, you can turn the diversity and volume of information you receive into a strategic asset, accelerating the time-to-market of your products.


Onboard and support your suppliers

To ensure the success of your digitalization project, it’s essential to onboard all your suppliers. Whatever their profile and degree of maturity, you need to adopt an appropriate onboarding strategy and establish clear and consistent communication to avoid potential tensions and delays.

As a true intermediary between you and your suppliers, Equadis provides you with a dedicated team of Customer Success Managers (CSMs) to ensure a smooth and harmonious relationship with your clients and partners. With tailor-made human and technological support, effective communication and optimized collaboration workflows, Equadis takes care of everything to help you become more efficient.


Create a customized data model

As we know, to be successful in the retail sector, you need perfect management of your data, and therefore a complete understanding of the quality and uses of all your data. As a result, when it comes to managing all the product references of their suppliers, it’s crucial for distributors and retailers to be well structured.

With Equadis PIM, you can create a tailor-made data model, perfectly adapted to your structure, needs and objectives. This unique data model respects your internal organization and precisely meets your requirements. Equadis makes it easy for you to analyze, make decisions and rapidly implement your business initiatives.


Be competitive on all your channels to accelerate your time to market

Delivering the right information, in the right place, at the right time, is a major challenge at a time when the need for transparency, the plurality of consumer profiles and the multiplication of sales channels represent a real headache!

When you choose Equadis PIM, you’re banking on its interoperability, enabling you to rapidly distribute all data to your internal tools (CRM, ERP, invoicing software, logistics, etc.) and to all channels (physical stores, e-commerce sites, marketplaces, social networks, etc.) in all countries.


What are the concrete benefits for distributors and retailers?

  • Une solution adaptée au pilotage de la data produit et à votre écosystème

    Reduce by 30% the time to market of your products

  • Icone main pour illustrer la prise en main facile

    Reduce by 5% operational costs linked to incorrect data

  • icone horloge pour illustrer Optimiser votre temps

    Optimize by 20% your operational resources

  • Icone certification pour illustrer la qualité des données avec Equadis

    Collect 100% verified quality data

  • Illustration de données connectées pour illustrer la solution PIM Equadis

    Distribute data to all your internal and external channels

  • Sécurité et cybersécurité optimales

    Ensure optimum security and cybersecurity



These distributors, from a wide range of sectors and with an international footprint, trust Equadis PIM.

  • Logo de Sephora, client Equadis
  • Logo de Transgourmet, client distributeur et partenaire du PIM Equadis
  • Equadis
  • Logo de France Boissons, client et partenaire Equadis
  • The Les Whiskies du Monde logo, client and partner of Equadis
  • Equadis
  • Equadis
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