Client testimonials

Client testimonial: La Martiniquaise Bardinet


In this interview, Sandrine Bourcier, Digital and Training Manager for the La Martiniquaise Bardinet group, explains how Equadis helps her to efficiently manage her product data and distribute it in an omnichannel way.


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Can you tell us about the La Martiniquaise Bardinet group?

Our group is well known for its spirits brands such as Saint James, Dillon, Old Nick Label 5, Sir Edwards or Porto Cruz. But for the past few years, our goal has been to offer festive drinks for every target, adults and children alike. So, alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks. However, what hasn’t changed is that we’ve always offered quality products from major brands, and above all, accessible to most people.


What is the major challenge for the La Martiniquaise Bardinet group?

La Martiniquaise Bardinet’s global challenge is to be present on every shopper contact point, whether online or offline. And, in a world that is more and more digital, distribution itself is increasingly digital, both in the front and in the back office. Transmitting product data has become essential. And even if you launch great products, have great product referencing and negotiation, if the product information doesn’t make it to the customers, there won’t be any business.


Why did you choose Equadis and what are the benefits?

We decided to partner with Equadis for three key reasons:

First, the tool. Equadis PIM is really a user-friendly, efficient, structured and very reliable interface that users can learn to master and work with rather easily. Furthermore, the tool’s greatest asset is the data centralization feature for a group like ours with multiple organizations, subsidiaries, specificities. Thanks to the multi-catalog management, all the information is in the same place, but each subsidiary has its own catalog and can work autonomously and independently.

The second reason we partnered with Equadis is their reputation. This great reputation is also the result of the company’s relationship with distributors, thanks to which we can monitor the latest modifications, changes, while making sure, something which is really important for Equadis, to comply with GS1 standards and GDSN best practices.

Finally, the third reason and maybe the most important one is the great human relationship we have with Equadis through our Customer Success Manager. This common job title really takes on its full meaning here. Because our CSM is really a great help. We particularly appreciate her availability and professionalism on a daily basis and with her, our teams, particularly sales assistants, have a real point of contact with Equadis. She is almost an integral part of our team and, most of all, she helps upskill our teams. In the end, we all save time and gain efficiency with our customers by being even faster in terms of data transmission.


Any future projects? What’s next?

What helps us project with Equadis beyond the Gaia by Equadis platform, which is already available and ready-to-use by being connected to various distributors, is Equadis’ ability to assist us with ad hoc projects. Some time ago, our export department wanted to develop a product information sheet and rather than start a whole new system with Equadis, we thought it over and realized that all the fields were already available. So how could we create our own product information sheet? And that’s what we were able to do thanks to Equadis’ technical and project teams. This helps us consider a lot of other developments because different applications are possible using the tool, whether it’s working on connection projects with our in-house tools or convincing other distributor customers. The wine merchant channel, in particular, which is not as digitalized as other distribution channels.


One last word?

One last word: I hope the Equadis teams will continue to be creative and technically inventive to bring us solutions to be faster, more efficient and also to enjoy all our business development challenges.

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